There is no shortage of “Credit Repair” companies out there. However, there are credit repair companies and individuals on Social Media platforms like TikTok and You Tube that are offering credit repair, who are spreading misinformation and overall bad financial advice. Many of these “Credit Repair Specialists” are engaged in UPL (Unauthorized Practice of Law).
A common theme amongst “Credit Repair Specialists”, is that it is ok to, or even recommended that individuals default on their debts and that there are no consequences for doing so. This is not only untrue and terrible advice, but also advising people to breach legally binding contracts with creditors. This obviously benefits Credit Repair professionals by ensuring there is a constant stream of new potential clients defaulting on debt.
We do things a little differently and provide an upfront, no-nonsense approach to credit restoration. We set realistic expectations for our client’s by letting them know that it is a process and often takes 12-18 months to see significant results, however individual results may vary, and many clients may see significant results much sooner, while others may take longer.
Contact us today for a free consultation and learn how we may be able to help you with your credit score.
Frequently Asked Questions
No, we handle various consumer and business debt including Credit Card Debt, Loans and Lines of Credit.
Yes, we offer payment arrangements on our flat fee. However, once we agree to take a case, the full amount is due an owing. The payment plan is just a courtesy.
Yes, we guarantee that we will aggressively represent our clients and provide them with guidance and direction on the best course of action for their particular case. However, we can never guarantee a particular outcome. This would be similar to asking for your physician to guarantee that you will not contract a disease. While this is a funny example, the legal landscape changes frequently and we are hired to help clients navigate a complex legal system and an everchanging legal landscape.
An individual or business that represents themselves is called Pro Se. Consumers and business are free to choose to represent themselves, however, many choose to get legal counsel do to the complexity of the legal system and the front and backend legal work that is required to resolve debt related matters. We often have clients that hire us after they have unsuccessfully attempted to resolve the matter on their own. Usually, this results in the legal matter becoming more complex and the debt typically increases and so due fees for representation. That is why we always encourage consumers and business owners to GET COUNSEL! Even if you do not hire us and you hire another firm. Get Counsel! We are more than willing to provide you with a referral if we are not a good fit.
Yes, we can put together what we call a Debt Settlement Plan (DSP). In a debt settlement plan we work to resolve all accounts that are in collections. We typically work with our clients to include all accounts in one flat fee to our firm. Unlike most Debt Settlement Companies, we do not escrow funds for our clients to use toward settlement. We encourage our clients to escrow their own funds.